Oct 26, 2020 | birdscanada.org
By Anna Skurikhina (Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Stewardship Centre for BC) and Caroline Biel (Bird Conservation Engagement and Communications Officer, BC, Birds Canada).

Many North American bird populations are rapidly declining. Since 1970, North America has lost nearly 3 billion birds. By now, you have probably heard that the risk of being killed by a cat is one of the most significant threats to birds that people can directly influence. Because so many domestic cats are allowed to roam outside, they kill about 100 – 350 million birds every year in Canada alone! What is being done to change this sobering statistic?
One example started two years ago when the Stewardship Centre for BC (SCBC) and Birds Canada co-hosted a Stewardship Roundtable at the 2018 International Ornithological Congress. The Roundtable brought together policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, park managers, First Nations, researchers, and bird enthusiasts to discuss best practices for...[READ MORE]