Spring is nearing and the birds will be looking for places to nest and breed this season, so it's a good time to start thinking about putting up a birdhouse in your backyard. We have several styles of birdhouses available with varying hole sizes depending on the birds you would like to attract.

If you don't see a style or design on our site that fits the bill, let us know. For example; you may like the style of one of our birdhouses but not the colour. Simply let us know what colour you're looking for and we will make every effort to match it at no extra charge. We are also open to discussing your specific style or design and providing you with a no charge quote.
We are always busy in our little shop making more birdhouses so make sure to keep a birds eye view on this site for more. We also fly around on Facebook Marketplace and just started on Instagram.
If you're unsure as to the hole and/or birdhouse size you need, we have more articles on this site that can help you decide what is the best fit for your backyard birds (see preliminary hole chart below). We are also happy to answer your questions at anytime via the Contact Us form on this site or via Facebook.
